Salient Contemporary Issues in Broadcasting: Legislative/Regulatory Reforms in Nigeria

Salient Contemporary Issues in Broadcasting: Legislative/Regulatory Reforms in Nigeria highlight the urgent need for reform in Nigeria's broadcasting sector and proposes comprehensive solutions. The 1992...


The Nigerian government is actively involved in reforming the media sector, primarily through the amendment of broadcasting legislation. The Institute for Media and Society...

Media Guidelines for Disability-Inclusive Coverage of Elections in Nigeria

The media plays a critical role in Nigeria's democratic governance, providing fair, accurate, ethical, and inclusive coverage of electoral and broader democratic processes. However,...

World Press Freedom Day 2023

3rd May 2023 Lagos, Nigeria IMS Calls for Protection of Journalists, Creation of an Enabling Environment, and Safeguarding of Democracy The Institute for Media and Society, IMS,...
thumbnail of Series 2 october edition

Public Enlightenment Series No 2- Secure Leadership an Essential for Broadcast Regulators Effectiveness

The media sector reform in Nigeria is progressing, with the government actively working to modify various aspects of the media landscape. One area of...
thumbnail of Series 3 Nov edition

Public Enlightenment Series No. 3- Vesting The Broadcast Industry Regulator With Full Powers Nigeria

The National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) is the regulatory body responsible for broadcasting in Nigeria. It was established under the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) Act...
thumbnail of Series 6 Feb edition

Public Enlightenment Series No 6- Protection of Media Freedom and Expression in Broadcast Industry...

The protection of freedom of expression and media rights is crucial for the proper functioning of a broadcast media system, encompassing industry practices and...

Memorandum on the Broadcasting Regulatory Framework in Nigeria

A strong and effective regulatory framework is crucial for the proper functioning of the broadcast media in Nigeria's democratic and electoral processes. The aim...

Conducting Media Audience Research

The publication "Audience Research Methods for Campus Radio Stations" was released ten years ago, and since then, valuable lessons have been learned about the...

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July 2024 MEiN Report

The MEiN analysis for July 2024 revealed that media coverage was equally split between stories on violent attacks and judicial proceedings. Among the four...
Participants at the event

EU supported training repositions broadcasters for coverage of Edo off cycle elections

Media professionals in Edo State have been urged to use their platforms responsibly and engage with civic voter education to empower citizens to make...

June 2024 MEiN Report

The June 2024 analysis by MEiN reveals alarming statistics on attacks targeting the media. A significant 89% of the examined stories focused on these...

May 2024 MEiN Report

The MEiN's analysis for May 2024 highlights a troubling trend of assaults on the media, with security agencies responsible for 37.5% of these attacks....

IPC, CEMESO Host Experts Forum and Dialogue on Building Electoral Trust and Addressing Contemporary...

Lagos, Nigeria - June 24, 2024 The International Press Centre (IPC) and the Centre for Media and Society (CEMESO), will this week host concurrent events...

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