Communiqué issued at the seminar on Developing Community Radio in Nigeria, Abuja, Nigeria


A two-day Seminar on Developing Community Radio in Nigeria was held in Abuja, Nigeria’s federal capital, from 11th to 12th March 2010, at Babcock Guest House, Abuja. Participants were drawn from community-based organizations, other civil society groups, government agencies and others from the northern states of Nigeria. The event was organized by the Nigeria Community Radio Coalition and supported by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) of the United Kingdom.

Participants in the seminar observed as follows:
I. The continuing efforts of the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) in liaising with the federal government to actualize a framework and licensing of community radio is positive for the broadcasting sector.
II. The decision of government to continue its communication policy reform processes sends a bright signal to broadcast pluralism and development stakeholders.
III. More and more communities across the country are becoming interested and preparing to establish their own radio stations.
IV. The increasing interest of international development partners in community radio has the potential of making sustainable community broadcasting to emerge in the country.
V. The resilience of the Nigeria Community Radio Coalition (NCRC) in advocacy has carried the message of community radio development far into the country.

The seminar recommends as follows:
1. We urge the federal government to:
(a) conclude the policy processes it has initiated such as the National Communication Policy and the Community Radio Policy, and release them to the public.
(b) give appropriate directives to National Broadcasting Commission to start issuing community radio licences.
2. We urge the National Broadcasting Commission (NBC) to intensify its interaction with the federal government in order to actualize the emergence of community radio in Nigeria before long.
3. We urge the Nigeria Community Radio Coalition to deepen its work in developing the capacity of grassroots communities planning to establish radio stations.
4. We urge communities to be professional and thorough in the process of planning the establishment of their radio stations.
5. We urge international development partners to increase their interest in community radio development by engaging advocacy and community capacity building.

Issued in Abuja, Nigeria, this 12th day of March 2010.