UN Says No Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists All Over The World

No Impunity against journalist'crime

As part of its effort to mark the internationally acclaimed day to end impunity against journalists in the world, the United Nations has once again renounced any form of unjust killing of journalists across the globe.

Speaking through its secretary general, Antonio Guterres said: In a few weeks ago, a renowned investigative journalist was murdered by a bomb that booby-trapped her car; another was dismembered in the course of researching her story, and a photojournalist was found dead after being forced to leave his home at gunpoint.

According to him, nothing less than 930 journalists and other media workers have been killed recording from 2006 to 2016. Thousands of others have routinely faced sexual harassment, intimidation, detention, and ill-treatment. These and all have been the order of the day across major countries of the world.

Rampant impunity then compounds the crimes.  In nine out of ten cases, the perpetrators are never brought to justice.

He also pointed out clearly that; when journalists are targeted, societies as a whole pay the price.  The kind of news that gets silenced – conflicts of interest, illegal trafficking — is exactly the kind of information the public needs to know.”

Also, this landmark resolution condemns all attacks and violence against journalists and media workers. It also urges Member States to do their utmost to prevent violence against journalists and media workers, to ensure accountability, bring to justice perpetrators of crimes against journalists and media workers, and ensure that victims have access to appropriate remedies. It further calls upon States to promote a safe and enabling environment for journalists to perform their work independently and without undue interference.

The United Nations General Assembly, Security Council and Human Rights Council have all condemned attacks against journalists and called for ensuring their safety.

The United Nations system has also endorsed a Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity.